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- 1 white envelope
- KJV Scripture translation
Item No.: END05
Inside Left:
If you feel you need evidence
that God is going to pull you through,
then you don’t have faith
for what you want God to do for you.
Faith is holding on
despite the difficulty of the situation,
believing that God will answer prayers
even beyond your highest expectation.
If you find you lack faith
to break through your obstacle or hill,
pray to the Father for a faith measure;
He can grant it according to His will.
With faith in your heart,
you can stand more confidently,
knowing the Lord is in complete control
and turns situations to what He wants
them to be.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).
Inside Right:
Faith is the key to unlocking doors. Keep trusting and believing that God will work everything out for you.
Item No.: END05